douze zéro deux

learning french, living geneva

Parc de Trembley Lesson 1

Learning better, everywhere !

Based on the observation that a language is better assimilated when its learning is played down and taken out of a school context, Douze Zéro Deux offers unique, practical and relaxed lessons at work, at home, via Skype or in various picturesque places in Geneva and its surroundings.

A practical and interactive approach

We help you discover Geneva, our hometown, and have you interact with “les Genevois” in a communicative and fun way, whatever your level.


Courses focused on what you want to learn

A personalized learning program, focused on direct practice and tailored to your needs.
We give you tools in order to gain confidence when it comes to expressing yourself in a foreign language.

Support in all situations

We offer tutoring for children and teenagers.

We also help you with your Swiss naturalisation procedure by preparing you for your FIDE (or other!) French exam, and then for your interview with a representative of the OCP (Office Cantonal de la Population).


Erdal Özkan


Erdal founded Douze Zero Deux in 2013.  He has been working in teaching and education since 2001 and is a qualified teacher. Erdal is a native French speaker from Geneva. He is fluent in English and can speak German and Italian


Copyright Douze Zéro Deux 2013-2023 | Pictures: Russel Bevan & Léa Kloos

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